Self Shadow

Unity Supplemental Material


Treasure Island - colorchecker.exr
Treasure Island - no colorchecker.exr
Treasure Island - white balanced.exr
Treasure Island - white balanced - absolute.tif
Treasure Island - white balanced - no sun.exr

Photoshop Actions


HDRI name: Treasure Island 1
Location: Treasure Island - San Francisco
Date: 13/03/2016
Time: 10h15
Weather: Some clouds


Standard capture: 
- 9 shots by view
- 8 EV (1/4000 - 1/15")

ND Filter capture: 
- 15 shots by view
- ND Filter: 1000 + 32 (-15 stops)
- 14 EV (1/2000 - 8")  (HDRI shot a bit before new table provided in the document.
                        We have shot up to 8 shutter speeds with ND Filter.)

Total range: 23 EV

Setting Camera:
EV Step: 1
ISO 100
Lux: 51000
Luminance on 60 % white patch: 6700