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Aug 16, 2018 - Conference

SIGGRAPH 2018 Links

Open Access

SIGGRAPH 2018 Conference Content


Cesium: 3D Globes on the Web
Color Mavens Advise on Digital Media Creation and Tools
Deep Learning: A Crash Course
Demoscene Worldwide
Fluids 2: Vortex Boogaloo
Introduction to DirectX Raytracing
Keynote Address
Khronos Group BOF Sessions
Ohooo Shiny!
Real-Time Live!
SideFX: Houdini HIVE
The Present and Future of Real-Time Graphics for Film, Games, Production
Tripping the Light VR
VR@50: Celebrating Ivan Sutherland’s 1968 Head-Mounted 3D Display System
Women in CG


3D User Interfaces for Virtual Reality and Games
Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games course
Applications of Vision Science to Virtual and Augmented Reality
Deep Learning: A Crash Course (recording)
Digital Typography Rendering
Getting Started with WebGL and Three.js (slides1)
Introduction to DirectX Raytracing
Introduction to the Vulkan Graphics API
Machine Learning and Rendering
Monte Carlo Methods for Physically Based Volume Rendering
Moving Mobile Graphics
Pathtracing in Production
Realistic Rendering in Architecture and Product Visualization

Technical Papers

See Ke-Sen Huang’s comprehensive papers list.


A Compact Representation for Multiple Scattering in Participating Media…
ActiVis: Visual Exploration of Industry-Scale Deep Neural Network Models
Adaptive Environment Sampling on CPU and GPU
Automatic Photo-from-Panorama for Google Maps
Augmented Reality for Virtual Set Extension
Automating the Handmade: Shading Thousands of Garments for ‘Coco’
Bidirectional Path Tracing Using Backward Stochastic Light Culling
ChromaGlasses: Computational Glasses for Compensating Colour Blindness
Classified Texture Resizing for Mobile Devices
Clean Cloth Inputs: Removing Character Self-Intersections with Volume Simulation
Creating the Unreal: Speculative Visions for Future Living Structures
DataInk: Direct and Creative Data-Oriented Drawing
Deep Thoughts on Deep Image Compression
Denoising at Scale for Massive Animated Series
Digital Albert Einstein, a Case Study
Engineering Full-Fidelity Hair for ‘Incredibles 2’
Fast Product Importance Sampling of Environment Maps
Fractal Multiverses in VR
Patch-Based Surface Relaxation
Practical Denoising for VFX Production Using Temporal Blur
Regularization of Voxel Art
Robust Skin Simulation in ‘Incredibles 2’
Synthesising Panoramas for Non-Planar Displays: A Camera Array Workflow
Taming the Swarm: Rippers on ‘Pacific Rim Uprising’
The Making of ‘Welcome to Light Fields VR’
Zero to USD in 80 Days: Transitioning Feature Production to USD at DreamWorks


3D Content Creation Exploiting 2D Character Animation
Beckett in VR: Exploring Narrative Using Free Viewpoint Video
BOLCOF: Base Optimization for Middle Layer Completion of 3D-Printed Objects…
Conservative Z-Prepass for Frustum-Traced Irregular Z-Buffers
CRISPR/Cas9-NHEJ: Action in the Nucleus
Deep Motion Transfer Without Big Data
Depth Assisted Full Resolution Network for Single Image-Based View Synthesis
Design Method of Digitally Fabricated Spring Glass Pen
Efficient Multispectral Facial Capture With Monochrome Cameras
Make Your Own Retinal Projector: Retinal Near-Eye Displays Via Metamaterials
MegaParallax: 360° Panoramas with Motion Parallax
Progressive Real-Time Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds
Solar Projector
Stitch: An Interactive Design System for Hand-Sewn Embroidery
Which BSSRDF Model is Better for Heterogeneous Materials?

Emerging Technologies

A Full-Color Single-Chip-DLP Projector…
Aerial-Biped: A New Physical Expression by the Biped Robot Using a Quadrotor
FairLift: Interaction with Mid-air Images on Water Surface
Fusion: Full Body Surrogacy for Collaborative Communication
Gum-Gum Shooting
HapCube: A Tactile Actuator…
HeadLight: Egocentric Visual Augmentation by Wearable Wide Projector
Human Support Robot (HSR)
LevioPole: Mid-Air Haptic Interactions Using Multirotor
Make Your Own Retinal Projector: Retinal Near-Eye Displays via Metamaterials
SEER: Simulative Emotional Expression Robot
Steerable Application-Adaptive Near-Eye Displays
Transcalibur: Weight Moving VR Controller…
Transmissive Mirror Device Based Near-Eye Displays with Wide Field of View
VPET - Virtual Production Editing Tools
Wind-Blaster: A Wearable Propeller-Based Prototype…

Birds of a Feather

ACESNext: Charting the Future of ACES
Demoscene Worldwide: Making an animation 18 bytes at a time
Khronos Group BOFs (glTF, Vulkan, WebGL, …)
Open Shading Language: OSL in 3ds Max
USD and OpenSubdiv: Tilt Brush

Studio Workshops

Unity: Customizing a Production Render Pipeline
Unity: Scriptable Render Pipeline From Scratch

Exhibitor Sessions

Allegorithmic: Substance Day

SideFX: Houdini HIVE

AR Transformation Mask
Character Adventures - Rigging, Animation and Crowds
Delayed Load Rendering Workflow
Design Through FX
Does your modelling department suck?
H17 Sneak Peek: PolyDraw
Houdini Concepts for the Maya Artist
Houdini Foundations - Dynamics
Hypercubes for VR Noobs
Procedural Workflows with Houdini and Unity…
The Lazy Artist’s Guide to Real-time VFX
What Makes a CG Superstar?

Open Source

Academy Software Foundation
Boundary First Flattening

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A Multi-Faceted Exploration (Part 3) A Multi-Faceted Exploration (Part 4)
