Open Access
SIGGRAPH 2019 Conference Content
Session Recordings
Course: An Introduction to Physics-Based Animation
Course: My Favorite Samples
Demoscene Worldwide (BOF)
Frontiers: How Computer Graphics Expertise Will Further … Machine Learning
Frontiers: Imagining a Black Hole with the Event Horizon Telescope
Frontiers: Metric Telepresence
Frontiers: Speculative Futures
Frontiers: Visual Strategy
Opening Ceremony / Awards
Production Session: “Space Explorers: Life in Orbit”
Real-Time Live!
Technical Papers Fast Forward
Technical Papers: AR and VR
A Deep Dive Into Universal Scene Description and Hydra
Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games
Are We Done With Ray Tracing?
Capture4VR: From VR Photography to VR Video
CreativeAI: Deep Learning for Computer Graphics
Computational Fabrication
Differentiable Graphics With Tensorflow 2.0
Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics
Geometric Computing With Python
Introduction to Real-Time Ray Tracing
My Favorite Samples (+ extended abstract)
On Hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian Simulation Methods…
Open Problems in Real-Time Rendering (to appear)
Path Guiding in Production
Path Tracing in Production
Perception of Virtual Characters
Practical Course on Computing Derivatives in Code
RTX Accelerated Ray Tracing With OptiX (+ code)
Technical Papers
See Ke-Sen Huang’s comprehensive papers list.
A Generative Model for Volume Rendering
A Low-Discrepancy Sampler that Distributes Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue Noise in Screen Space
A Scalable Real-Time Many-Shadowed-Light Rendering System (+ video)
A Practical Guide to Thin Film and Drips Simulation
A Vector Field Design Approach to Animated Transitions (TVCG)
Autofocals: Evaluating Gaze-Contingent Eyeglasses for Presbyopes
DeepLight: Learning Illumination for Unconstrained Mobile Mixed Reality
Firefly: Illumination Drones for Interactive Visualization (TVCG)
Foveated Displays: Toward Classification of the Emerging Field
Gaze-Contingent Ocular Parallax Rendering for Virtual Reality
Light Attenuation Display: Subtractive See-Through Near-Eye Display via Spatial Color Filtering (TVCG)
Light Pruning on “Toy Story 4”
Mesh Wrap Based on Affine-Invariant Coordinates
Mortal Kombat 11: High Fidelity Cached Simulations in Real-Time
Motion parallax for 360° RGBD video (TVCG)
Practical Dynamic Lighting for Large-Scale Game Environments
Shrinking Circles: Adaptation to Increased Curvature Gain in Redirected Walking (TVCG)
Taming the Shadow Terminator
Effectiveness of Facial Animated Avatar and Transformed Voice in eLearning Programming Course
Glove Puppetry Cloud Theater Through a Virtual Reality Network
Layered Reconstruction of Stippling Art.
Learning From Human-Robot Interactions in Modeled Scenes
MagicPAPER: Tabletop Interactive Projection Device Based on Tangible Interaction
Meet in Rain: A Serious Game to Help the Better Appreciation of Chinese Poems
Puppeteered Rain: Interactive Illusion of Levitating Water Drops by Position-Dependent Strobe Projection
VRProp-Net: Real-time Interaction with Virtual Props
Emerging Technologies
A Design for Optical Cloaking Display
A Stretch-Sensing Soft Glove for Interactive Hand Pose Estimation
A Transparent Display With Per-Pixel Color and Opacity Control
Active Textile Tailoring
Arque: Artificial Biomimicry-Inspired Tail for Extending Innate Body Functions
Demonstrating Preemptive Action: Accelerating Human Reaction…
EyeHacker: Gaze-Based Automatic Reality Manipulation
HAPTIC PLASTeR: Soft, Thin, Light, and Flexible Haptic Display…
Liquid to Air: Pneumatic Objects
MagniFinger: Fingertip-Mounted Microscope for Augmenting Human Perception
Matching Visual Acuity and Prescription: Towards AR for Humans
Melody Slot Machine
PickHits: Hitting Experience Generation With Throwing Motion via a Handheld Mechanical Device
PinocchioVR (+ video)
Shading Atlas Streaming
ShapeSense: A 2D Shape-Rendering VR Device With Moving Surfaces…
Space Walk: A Combination of Subtle, Redirected Walking Techniques…
TeeVR: Spatial Template-Based Acquisition, Modeling, and Rendering of Large-Scale Indoor Spaces
TeleSight: Enabling asymmetric collaboration in VR between HMD user and Non-HMD users
Birds of a Feather
Academy Software Foundation: Open Source Day (recordings)
Demoscene Worldwide (recording)
Khronos Group (+ recordings: morning, afternoon)
VFX Reference Platform…
Exhibitor Sessions
Autodesk Vision Series
Maxon Cinema 4D: day 1, day 2, day 3 (recordings)
RenderMan Art & Science Fair (recordings)
SideFX: Houdini HIVE (recordings)
SideFX: Solaris (recording)
Unity (recordings)
Unreal Engine User Group (recording)