Open Access
SIGGRAPH 2017 Conference Content (for a limited time)
An Interactive Introduction to WebGL and three.js
An Introduction to Laplacian Spectral Kernels and Distances: Theory, Computation, and Applications
Advances in Real-Time Rendering (most content online)
Applications of Visual Perception to Virtual Reality Rendering
Computational Narrative
Computing and Processing Correspondences with Functional Maps (SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 material)
Directional Field Synthesis, Design, and Processing
Multithreading for Visual Effects
Open Problems in Real-Time Rendering
OpenVDB (to appear)
Path Tracing in Production (course notes; slides starting to appear)
Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice (most content online)
Production Volume Rendering
Rethinking Texture Mapping
Video for Virtual Reality
VR Interactions (recording)
Technical Papers
See Ke-Sen Huang’s comprehensive papers list.
Double Hierarchies for Efficient Sampling in Monte Carlo Rendering
Headset Removal for Virtual and Mixed Reality
Importance Sampling of Many Lights With Adaptive Tree Splitting
Learning Light Transport the Reinforced Way
Lighting Up The Smurfs’ Enchanted Forest
Modeling Vellus Facial Hair from Asperity Scattering Silhouettes
Novel Algorithm for Sparse and Parallel Fast Sweeping: Efficient Computation of Signed Distance Fields
Precomputed Multiple Scattering for Light Simulation in Participating Medium
Production Ready MPM Simulations
Proxy Clouds for RGB-D Stream Processing: An Insight
The Iray Light Transport Simulation and Rendering System
“VarCity - The Video” - semantic and dynamic city modelling from images (video)
A Gradient Mesh Tool for Non-Rectangular Gradient Meshes
Analyzing Interfaces and Workflows for Light Field Editing
Attribute-preserving gamut mapping of measured BRDFs
Fast Back-Projection for Non-Line of Sight Reconstruction (code
Combining Biomechanical and Data-Driven Body-Surface Models
Digital Fabrication and Manipulation Method for Underwater Display and Entertainment (video)
Directional Occlusion via Multi-Irradiance Mapping
Exploiting the Room Structure of Buildings for Scalable Architectural Modeling of Interiors
Improved Chromakey of Hair Strands via Orientation-Filter Convolution
LeviFab: Stabilization and Manipulation of Digitally Fabricated Objects for Superconductive Levitation
Morpho Sculptures: Digital Fabrication Methods of Engraving Flat Materials Into Shape-Changing User Interfaces
Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields Using Local Dictionaries
Retexturing Under Self-Occlusion Using Hierarchical Markers
Semi-Dynamic Light Maps
Sonovortex: Rendering Multi-Resolution Aerial Haptics by Aerodynamic Vortex and Focused Ultrasound
Submerged Haptics: A 3-DOF Fingertip Haptic Display Using Miniature 3D Printed Airbags
Touch3D: Touchscreen Interaction on Multiscopic 3D With Electrovibration Haptics
Unphotogenic Light: High-Speed Projection Method to Prevent Secret Photography by Small Cameras
Birds of a Feather
Khronos Group BOFs
Exhibitor Sessions
AMD Capsaicin
Intel: Day 1, Day 2
Pixar Science Fair
SideFX: Houdini HIVE